Product promotionRedesigning promotion materialThere is a high culture content in food and beverage. Promotion campaigns designed for Western markets cannot be expected to always work similarly in China. Eurasia Consult can redesign an entire promotion campaign, making it more suitable to the expectations of the Chinese prospects. For example, translating product information is more than simply translating the text of the brochure into Chinese. Chinese potential users may have a different idea of what constitutes a good brochure. One may need to emphasise different aspects of the product, use different illustrations, etc. We at Eurasia Consult have years of experience in adapting product information to the Chinese market. Promotion campaignsEurasia Consult's rich market information stored in our databases is also useful for crafting a scenario for your product promotion. Even without field research, we can pinpoint key organisations and individuals that are the first parties to approach. We can also determine the most promising fields of application, the most interesting regions, etc., for your products. Eurasia Consult can assist in preparing seminars. Selecting agentsEven when your product is successfully launched in China, it is not likely that you can achieve a reasonable volume only by selling directly to end users. You will need to work with an agent or distributor. Eurasia Consult can assist in preselecting a small number of potential agents by means of desk study and finish the selection procedure through visiting the preselected companies. We can also help in negotiating a sound agency/distribution contract. |